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ML Funnel Based Attribution

Optimize your marketing budget based on the objective sales contribution of each advertising campaign

Discover the real value of your ads

BI attribution

With OWOX BI, you’ll get an objective assessment of your advertising channels. Learn which campaigns are overvalued and which are undervalued so you can effectively redistribute your budget.

Unlike standard attribution models, the OWOX BI model takes into account every step of the user before the order — not just the last click. The harder it is to pass a step, the more value a session gets that helped make it happen. And by knowing the value of sessions, you can calculate the value of campaigns, taking into account their contribution to the user’s promotion through the funnel.

BI attribution
Consider offline sales and profit from your CRM

Consider ROPO sales and profit from your CRM

Consider offline sales and profit from your CRM

Revenue in Google Analytics and revenue from purchased goods in your CRM often don’t match. With OWOX BI, you can measure the contribution of online marketing to real sales by taking into account revenue from physical stores and data on completed orders from your CRM.

OWOX BI combines data from your website, advertising services, and CRM so you can create a funnel that takes into account the unique characteristics of your business and your efforts to attract customers and increase sales.

Find out the cost of each session

Find out the cost of each session

OWOX BI calculates the value of each session. This allows you to determine the ROI/ROAS for new and returning users. Compare the profitability of cohorts depending, for example, on whether they’ve seen a banner.

Find out how much you spend and how much you earn on each group you advertise to. Evaluate advertising performance across regions, landing pages, mobile app versions, and applications.

Find out the cost of each session
Grow and maintain profitability

Grow and maintain profitability

Grow and maintain profitability

For growth, you need to attract new customers. And for profitability, you need to return existing ones. But to work effectively with both new and existing customers, you need different marketing mixes. OWOX BI shows a channel combination for different types of customers as well as areas where you can grow your marketing strategy.

Your unique funnel

Your unique funnel

In OWOX BI, you can create a funnel that matches the structure of your business. You can assess how campaigns get customers through various steps of the funnel. That means you can see where your marketing isn’t effective and where more effort is needed.

Your unique funnel
Unique advantages of OWOX BI

Unique advantages of OWOX BI

Gain power through knowledge

Gain power through knowledge

With OWOX BI, you can specify channels to exclude from your evaluation without needing developers. For example, you can exclude brand campaigns that are exhausted. As a result, you’ll receive a mix of campaigns you can objectively manage.

Reliably evaluate advertising campaigns

Reliably evaluate advertising campaigns

In OWOX BI, you can see how value for each transaction is distributed across campaigns a user has interacted with. OWOX checks the statistical significance of calculations and gives you access to a table of confidence intervals so you can be sure of the results and understand how they were obtained.

Your data under your control

Your data under your control

OWOX BI Attribution performs calculations using data stored in your Google BigQuery project. You have complete control over access to that data using a Google account and two-factor authentication. OWOX BI stores and processes your data according to PCI DSS, ISO 27001, and USC 2.3 security standards.

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