7 Analytics Tactics to Get More Traffic & Sales Using Google Analytics 4

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10 Google Analytics 4 reports for monitoring of basic metrics

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10 Google Analytics 4 reports for monitoring of basic metrics

In today's digital world, understanding how to navigate the complexities of online marketing is crucial for success. One essential tool in this space is Google Analytics 4, a powerhouse for insights and strategies that can drive your business forward.

But diving into this platform isn't just about quickly looking at numbers; it's about unlocking the secrets within to improve your marketing funnel, optimize lead generation, and make data-driven decisions. Here's a guide through seven tactics that can help you use Google Analytics 4 to increase your traffic and strengthen sales.

1. Discover the best channels for each stage of the marketing funnel

What is a marketing funnel?

A marketing funnel is a series of stages that a potential customer goes through in order to become an actual customer. These stages typically include attention, interest, desire, action.

What is a marketing funnel?

The best marketing channels for each stage of the sales funnel can vary depending on the product or service offered and the target audience. But generally speaking, the following channels are considered to be effective at particular stages:

  • Awareness: Social media, content marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), and public relations (PR) are often used to create awareness of a product or service.

  • Interest: Email marketing, webinars, and lead magnets (such as ebooks or whitepapers) can be used to generate interest in a product or service.

  • Desire: Case studies, customer testimonials, and free trials can be used to build desire for a product or service.

  • Action: Retargeting, direct mail, and special promotions can be used to encourage customers to take action and make a purchase.

  • Retention: Email marketing, customer service, and loyalty programs can be used to retain customers and encourage repeat purchases.

It’s worth mentioning that the best marketing channels for each stage of the sales funnel may change over time, and that a combination of channels are often used to achieve the best results. It’s also important to track and measure the effectiveness of channels and to adjust your approach as needed. Google Analytics 4 reports will help you with this.

User Acquisition report

You can use the User Acquisition report to get insights into how new users find your website or app for the first time. This report differs from the Traffic Acquisition report, which focuses on where new sessions come from, regardless of whether the user is new or returning.

User Acquisition report
User Acquisition report

You can use the User Acquisition report to get insights into how new users find your website or app for the first time. This report differs from the Traffic Acquisition report, which focuses on where new sessions come from, regardless of whether the user is new or returning.

Traffic Acquisition report

The Traffic Acquisition report shows where new and returning users come from. What is the difference between the User Acquisition and Traffic Acquisition reports? They attribute conversions to different parts of the user journey.

The User Acquisition report focuses on the first traffic source that led a visitor to your website.

The Traffic Acquisition report focuses on the most recent traffic source that led a visitor to your website.

For those who are familiar with attribution modeling, the User Acquisition report uses first-click attribution, while the Traffic Acquisition report uses last-click.

Traffic Acquisition report
Traffic Acquisition report

Don’t forget about the session conversion rate by channel. Most likely, you will have a lot of conversions from direct sources. 

OWOX server-side tracking helps solve this problem. It reduces the share of direct/none traffic by 21% or more and correctly redistributes 30% or more of transactions and revenue to other sources and channels. Thanks to this, the marketing team can better meet their KPIs and more quickly defend their budget.


Conversion Paths report

Use the Conversion Paths report to understand your customers’ paths to conversion and how different attribution models distribute credit along those paths.

Conversion Paths report
Conversion Paths report

Note: As announced by Google, the first click, linear, time decay, and position-based attribution models are already gone in Google Analytics 4. If you want to keep using these attribution models, you can build them with OWOX BI in just a few clicks. 


2. Create high-converting promotional materials (such as PDF lead magnets or videos)

What is a lead magnet?

Lead magnets are typically digital content such as ebooks, whitepapers, guides, checklists, templates, videos, or free trials that provide valuable information, insights, or resources to the target audience. They are designed to entice visitors to a website or landing page and convince them to opt in and provide their contact details, thereby becoming leads that the business can follow up with for further marketing and sales efforts.

Effective lead magnets are highly relevant to the target audience and align with the business’s products or services. They should offer a solution or an answer to a problem or question that the potential customer is seeking, creating a win-win situation where the customer receives valuable content and the business gains a lead that can be nurtured into a customer.

Сonvert the best blog articles into high-converting lead magnets

Create content in a way that adds value and entices readers to opt in and provide their contact information. Here’s a step-by-step process to help you convert your blog articles into effective lead magnets:

  1. Identify your best-performing blog articles. Review your blog analytics and identify articles that have generated high traffic, engagement, and positive feedback from readers. 

  2. Identify the core message or value proposition of each blog article. Understanding the main takeaway will help you create a lead magnet that aligns with the article’s content.

  3. Consider the type of lead magnet that would work best for your target audience and the article’s content. It could be an ebook, a checklist, a template, a mini-course, a video tutorial, or any other format.

  4. Add more details, examples, case studies, or actionable steps that the reader can follow. The goal is to provide additional value and make the lead magnet more in-depth than the original blog post.

  5. Ensure that the lead magnet has an appealing design and professional formatting.

  6. Include a strong call-to-action (CTA). Clearly communicate the benefits of the lead magnet and why readers should download it. 

  7. Promote the lead magnet. Leverage various marketing channels to promote your lead magnet. Ensure that the blog article itself includes a prominent call to action to download the lead magnet.

Consider average engagement time and views

By leveraging event tracking, custom reports, and segmentation in GA4, you can effectively analyze the average engagement time and views of your lead magnets. These insights will assist you in optimizing your lead magnet strategy, understanding audience preferences, and improving your overall marketing efforts.

With the transition to Google Analytics 4 (GA4), the way you track and analyze engagement metrics like average engagement time and views has changed. Here’s how you can consider these metrics for lead magnets in GA4:

  1. Set up event tracking. Define an event to track when a user engages with your lead magnet, such as when they click to download it or view it.

  2. Configure event parameters. When setting up your event, you can include additional parameters to capture more information about the engagement. For example, you can pass the lead magnet’s title or category as an event parameter to segment and analyze engagement by different lead magnets.

  3. Create a custom report that includes the event you set up to track engagement with your lead magnet. You can include dimensions such as event name, event parameter values, and metrics such as total events and unique events.

  1. In your custom report, you can add the average engagement time metric to measure how long users typically engage with your lead magnet. This will provide insights into how engaging and valuable your lead magnet is to your audience.

  2. Analyze views. By tracking the event you set up for lead magnet engagement, you can analyze the total events metric in your custom report to understand the number of views each lead magnet receives. This will help you gauge the popularity and reach of your lead magnets.

  3. Apply segmentation. GA4 allows you to segment your data based on various dimensions to gain deeper insights. You can segment your lead magnet engagement data by different dimensions such as traffic source, user demographics, or behavior. 

  4. Set conversion goals. To measure the effectiveness of your lead magnets in generating conversions, you can set conversion goals in GA4. A conversion goal could be successful form submission or a purchase that occurs after a user engages with your lead magnet. By tracking these goals, you can evaluate the conversion rate and overall impact of your lead magnets.

3. Understanding the source of a conversion drop

By comparing different periods and analyzing the cause of a drop in conversions, you can gain valuable insights to make informed decisions and implement strategies to improve your conversion rate.

Compare the conversion data. Look for the relevant conversion metric and compare the performance between the two periods you selected. You may see the number of conversions, conversion rate, and other related metrics.

Understanding the source of a conversion drop
Understanding the source of a conversion drop

To understand the source of the drop in conversions, consider the following aspects:

  • Traffic sources. Examine the different channels or sources of traffic during both periods. Are there significant changes in the volume or quality of traffic from specific sources?

  • Campaign performance. Evaluate the performance of any marketing campaigns or initiatives that were active during the periods you are comparing. Look for any variations in campaign performance that could have influenced the conversion rate.

  • Website changes. Assess any changes or updates made to your website during the periods under analysis. Could any modifications to the user experience, design, or navigation have impacted conversions?

  • External factors. Consider any external factors or events that might have influenced user behavior and conversion rates. This could include industry trends, seasonality, or changes in customer preferences.

Leverage other features within GA4 to gain further insights. For example, you can segment data by different dimensions such as demographics, devices, or landing pages to identify specific areas where the drop in conversions occurred.

Take action. Based on your analysis, develop a plan of action to address the causes of the conversion drop. This might involve optimizing marketing campaigns, improving the user experience, or making adjustments to your website or landing pages.

4. Discover the most converting organic keywords

The availability and accuracy of organic keyword data in GA4 may vary compared to previous versions of Google Analytics due to changes in privacy policies and keyword visibility. Additionally, Google’s emphasis on secure searches means that a significant portion of organic keyword data may be classified as “Not Provided.”

In addition, queries as a report in Google Search Console won’t show conversions. So what can you do about this?

Trick: Go to the Traffic Acquisition report and filter to show only organic traffic from Google. Add the dimension Landing page + query string, and then sort by conversions:

Now go to Google Search Console and search by pages that generated the most conversions in the previous report. This is a bit of a manual process, but it works.

Based on the insights gained, optimize your SEO strategy by focusing on the most converting organic keywords. Consider creating targeted content, improving meta tags, or enhancing your website’s relevance and user experience for those keywords.

5. Discover more opportunities (partnerships, affiliate programs)

By reviewing referral traffic data in GA4, you can identify third-party websites that are already sending traffic to your site. This information can help you understand the effectiveness of your referral marketing efforts, discover new partnership opportunities, and optimize your website to enhance user engagement and conversions from referral sources. For example, you can offer affiliate deals, guest blog posts, or partnerships.

To find websites that are already sending traffic to yours, go to the Traffic Acquisition report and filter by source/medium contains referral.

Review referral sources. Check the number of conversions, revenue, and session volume. Analyze the websites that are sending traffic to your site and assess their relevance and quality. Look for patterns, identify top-performing referral sources, and consider the potential value of the traffic they bring.

6. Add non-Google advertising costs to Google Analytics 4

If you use multiple advertising services and platforms to promote your products, it’s a good idea to combine all ad cost data in a single report.

Add non-Google advertising costs to Google Analytics 4
Add non-Google advertising costs to Google Analytics 4

This report allows you to compare the performance of all ad platforms in one tool. In addition to ad cost data, you can send additional information from advertising services such as Facebook or Bing to Google Analytics 4 to deeply analyze your campaigns’ efficiency. You can use this data to decide if your channels pay off and reallocate your budget by comparing views, ad costs, CTR, ROAS, and other metrics across all traffic sources.

Note: You’ll be able to see this report only after you set up cost data importing.

Use OWOX BI to automatically collect and merge all advertising data in Google Analytics 4. Our platform helps you avoid constant manual work when making marketing reports.


7. Blend data from different sources

Blending data from different sources with OWOX BI can greatly enhance your data analysis and reporting capabilities. Here are a few reasons why blending data with OWOX BI is advantageous:

  1. Get a comprehensive view of your marketing performance. By blending data from multiple sources such as Google Analytics, advertising platforms (Google Ads, Facebook Ads, etc.), CRM systems, and others, you can create a unified view of your marketing performance. This enables you to understand the complete customer journey, analyze the impact of different marketing channels, and make data-driven decisions based on comprehensive insights.

  2. Achieve greater data accuracy and consistency. OWOX BI ensures data accuracy and consistency by automating data collection, integration, and transformation. It reduces the risk of human error and eliminates the need for manual data consolidation, saving time and effort. Blending data from various sources into a single, reliable dataset helps to ensure that you’re working with consistent and accurate information.

  3. Attain deeper analysis and advanced insights. Blending data from multiple sources allows you to perform more advanced analysis and gain deeper insights. You can combine data dimensions and metrics from different platforms to uncover correlations, identify trends, and discover valuable insights that would be difficult to find when analyzing data from individual sources separately. This comprehensive analysis can drive better marketing strategies, campaign optimizations, and overall business decision-making.

  4. Benefit from enhanced reporting capabilities. Blending data enables you to create custom reports and dashboards that provide a comprehensive view of your marketing performance. With OWOX BI, you can easily visualize and present data from different sources in a unified manner, making it easier to track key performance indicators (KPIs) and communicate insights to stakeholders. Custom reports and dashboards can be tailored to your specific business needs, allowing you to focus on the metrics and dimensions that matter most to your organization.

  5. Make data-driven decisions. Blending data from different sources provides a more complete and accurate picture of your marketing efforts. This, in turn, facilitates data-driven decision-making. With comprehensive insights derived from blended data, you can make informed decisions about budget allocations, marketing strategies, targeting, campaign optimizations, and customer segmentation. This helps you maximize the effectiveness of your marketing initiatives and drive better business outcomes.

In summary, blending data from different sources with OWOX BI offers a comprehensive and accurate view of your marketing performance, facilitates deeper analysis and advanced insights, enhances reporting capabilities, and enables data-driven decision-making. By leveraging blended data, you can optimize your marketing strategies and drive better results for your business.

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  • How can I ensure GDPR compliance when using Google Analytics 4 and other analytics tools?

    Ensure GDPR compliance by obtaining user consent for data collection, anonymizing IP addresses, and providing opt-out options for data tracking.
  • What steps can I take to optimize lead magnet performance tracked through Google Analytics 4?

    Optimize lead magnet performance by analyzing engagement metrics, refining content relevance, improving design, and strategically placing call-to-action (CTA) buttons.
  • How can I effectively blend data from different sources using OWOX BI for enhanced analysis?

    Blend data from various sources with OWOX BI to gain a comprehensive view, ensure data accuracy, attain deeper insights, and make informed, data-driven decisions.

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10 Google Analytics 4 reports for monitoring of basic metrics

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10 Google Analytics 4 reports for monitoring of basic metrics