Using DAY, DAYS, and DAYS360 Functions to Work with Dates in Google Sheets

Working with dates in Google Sheets can often be challenging, especially when you need precise calculations for specific days or differences between dates. Fortunately, Google Sheets provides a set of functions – DAY, DAYS, and DAYS360 - that make handling dates more manageable and efficient.


In this article, we'll explore how to use these powerful functions to extract day values, calculate the number of days between two dates, and approximate date differences based on a 360-day year.

Whether you’re managing project timelines, calculating age, or analyzing financial data, mastering these functions will significantly simplify your date-related tasks and help you work more effectively in Google Sheets.

The Importance of the DAY Function in Google Sheets

The DAY function in Google Sheets is crucial for extracting the day component from a given date, allowing users to isolate and analyze specific days within broader datasets. This function is precious in scenarios like tracking daily trends, creating custom date formats, or automating calculations based on the day of the month.

By leveraging the DAY function, users can simplify date handling, enhance data organization, and make more informed decisions based on daily insights.

💡Bringing BigQuery reports into Google Sheets simplifies data access and analysis. Master this integration to create dynamic reports and make data-driven decisions with ease. Check out our guide to take your reporting to the next level!

Understanding the DAY, DAYS, and DAYS360 Functions: Syntax and Examples

Understanding the DAY, DAYS, and DAYS360 functions in Google Sheets is essential for effectively working with date data. The DAY function extracts the day from a date, while DAYS calculates the number of days between two dates. DAYS360 approximates the difference based on a 360-day year, commonly used in financial calculations. Examples demonstrate each function's practical use.

DAY Function

The DAY function in Google Sheets is designed to extract the day of the month from a given date, providing a value between 1 and 31. This function is especially useful for isolating specific day components from larger datasets, allowing for better organization and targeted analysis.

Whether you're tracking monthly trends, creating dynamic date-based reports, or automating calculations based on particular days, the DAY function makes it easy to work efficiently with date data and simplifies workflows involving time-sensitive information.

Syntax of DAY

The syntax of the DAY function in Google Sheets is:


The date argument can be a specific date value, a cell reference containing a date, or a function returning a date.

This function extracts and returns the day component, ranging from 1 to 31, from the provided date.

Example of DAY

Here's an example of using the DAY function in Google Sheets to extract the day of the month from different dates. Consider the following formula:


Here, the DAY function extracts the day from the dates provided in column B. Let’s break down a few of the examples to showcase how different date inputs yield different results:

  • Result in cell D3: The formula =DAY(B3) extracts the day from the date "03/2024", resulting in the value 1, because when you don't have days specified in the date, it automatically assumes and returns the 1st day of the months. This means that it reads the date as March 1st, 2024.
  • Result in cell D4: Similarly, the formula =DAY(B4) returns 15, when the date is complete (has Month, Day, and Year) the DAY works pretty straightforward and the function returns the day that is specified.
  • Result in cell D5: Finally, the formula =DAY(B5) returns 31 because entering "1" in a date cell is equivalent to the date "12/31/1899." The number represents the number of days since this starting point. The way this number is displayed can be adjusted by going to the Format menu, selecting Number, and choosing a date format. For example, "1" is interpreted as "12/31/1899" by default, but you can format it to display any date representation you prefer.

This method helps isolate the day component of each date, allowing for more detailed date analysis or custom reporting.

DAYS Function

The DAYS function in Google Sheets calculates the number of days between two dates, helping users quickly determine date differences. It's particularly useful for tasks such as tracking project durations or calculating the time between events, enhancing efficiency in managing time-sensitive data.

Syntax of DAYS

The syntax of the DAYS function in Google Sheets is:

=DAYS(end_date, start_date)

Let's break it down:

  • end_date: Represents the final date in the range. This is the date up to which you want to calculate the difference.
  • start_date: Represents the initial date in the range. This is the date from which you start calculating.

The function returns the number of days between start_date and end_date. The value can be:

  • Positive: If the end_date occurs after the start_date.
  • Negative: If the end_date occurs before the start_date.

This function is useful for determining time intervals, managing deadlines, or calculating durations between two events.

Example of DAYS

Here is an example of how to use the DAYS function to calculate the number of days between two dates in Google Sheets.

For this, use the formula:


Here's the explanation:

  • DAYS(C3,B3): Calculates the number of days between "04/01/2024" and "06/30/2024", which results in 90.

This example demonstrates how to use the DAYS function to calculate date differences, which is useful for tasks like managing project timelines, tracking events, and calculating durations between key dates.

DAYS360 Function

The DAYS360 function in Google Sheets calculates the number of days between two dates based on a 360-day year, commonly used in financial calculations. This function helps approximate monthly and yearly differences, providing consistent day counts for accounting and budgeting purposes.

Syntax of DAYS360

The syntax of the DAYS360 function in Google Sheets is:

=DAYS360(start_date, end_date, [method])

Let's break it down:

  • start_date: The start date used in the calculation should reference a cell with a date, a function that returns a date value, or a numeric value.
  • end_date: The end date used in the calculation should refer to a cell containing a date, a function that returns a date value, or a numeric value.
  • method (optional): This parameter determines the day count method:
    • For 0 (US method): If the start date is the last day of the month, it's changed to the 30th for calculations. If the end date is the 31st and the start date is before the 30th, the end date becomes the 1st of the next month; otherwise, it changes to the 30th.
    • For other values (European method): Dates on the 31st are changed to the 30th.

Example of DAYS360

For our example, we will use the DAYS360 function with the NASD (U.S.) method.

The formula will look like this:


Here's the explanation:

  • The formula =DAYS360(B3,C3,FALSE): calculates the number of days between "04/01/2024" and "06/30/2024". Using the 360-day convention, this returns 89 days.

This example illustrates how the DAYS360 function approximates the days between dates based on a 360-day year, which helps create consistent intervals useful for financial calculations, such as interest accruals and payment schedules.

Practical Examples of Using DAY Function

The DAY function in Google Sheets can be applied in various practical scenarios, offering a simple way to extract the day from a given date. This function is useful for creating date-based analyses, tracking daily trends, or combining it with other functions to perform more advanced calculations and formatting.

Calculating the Number of Days Between Two Dates with DAY

The DAY function in Google Sheets can be used to calculate the number of days between two dates that fall within the same month. By subtracting the day value of the start date from the end date, you can count the difference in days.

Let's use the formula:


Here’s the breakdown:

  • DAY(C3): Extracts the day component from the date in cell C3. For example, if C3 contains "06/30/2024," DAY(C3) returns 30.
  • DAY(B3): Extracts the day component from the date in cell B3. For example, if B3 contains "04/01/2024," DAY(B3) returns 1.
  • Subtraction (-): The formula subtracts the day value of B3 from the day value of C3. In this case, it calculates 30 - 1, which equals 29.

This method is useful when working with dates within the same month, allowing you to quickly calculate the difference between two days.

Conditional Formatting with DAY Function

Conditional formatting with the DAY function in Google Sheets allows you to highlight cells based on specific day values. For instance, you can format cells to change color if the day of the month is a certain value, such as weekends, mid-month, or end-of-month days.

Here are the steps using the DAY function with conditional formatting:

1. Select the range of cells you want to apply the conditional formatting.

2. Go to the "Format" menu and choose "Conditional formatting".

3. In the "Format cells if" dropdown, choose “Custom formula is.”

4. Enter the following formula in the custom formula field:

=DAY(B3) > 15

This formula highlights cells where the day is greater than 15, making it easy to spot dates that fulfill this condition.

This approach makes it easy to highlight specific days in a dataset, which is useful for tracking deadlines, events, or important dates.

Calculating Age with DAY Function

Although the DAY function alone is not typically used to calculate age, it can be combined with other date functions in Google Sheets to extract specific day values from birthdates or current dates. This method calculates the difference between the birthdate and the current date to determine the person's age.

In this example, assume you have a column of birth dates in column C, and you want to calculate each person's age based on their birth date. To do this, you can use the DAY function along with other date functions:


Let’s break it down:

  • YEAR(TODAY()): This part extracts the current year from today's date using the TODAY() function, which always returns the current date.
  • YEAR(C3): This part extracts the year from the date in cell C3.
  • YEAR(TODAY()) - YEAR(C3): This calculates the basic difference between the current year and the year in the birthdate.
  • DATE(YEAR(TODAY()), MONTH(C3), DAY(C3)): This creates a date using the current year and the month and day from the birthdate in C3.
  • TODAY() < DATE(YEAR(TODAY()), MONTH(C3), DAY(C3)): This checks if today’s date is before the birthday in the current year. If today is before the birthday, the expression returns TRUE, otherwise, it returns FALSE.

This setup is ideal for quickly calculating the ages of multiple individuals based on their birthdates.

Useful Examples of Using DAY360 Function

The DAYS360 function in Google Sheets is useful for calculating the number of days between two dates based on a 360-day year. This function is commonly applied in financial scenarios, making it easier to standardize day counts across different time periods, helping in tasks like interest calculations and payment schedules.

Calculating Days with DAYS360 Using the European Day-count Method

The DAYS360 function in Google Sheets can also be used with the European day-count method, which treats the last day of the month as the 30th, regardless of the actual number of days.

This method is commonly used in European financial systems for calculating interest, bond payments, and other time-based financial calculations.

Let's use the formula:


Formula breakdown:

  • DAYS360: the function used to calculate the number of days between two dates.
  • B3: the formula will use the date in this cell as the beginning point of the calculation.
  • C3: the formula will use the date in this cell as the ending point of the calculation.
  • TRUE: this argument specifies the use of the European method.

This example shows how the DAYS360 function can be used to calculate the number of days between various date pairs using the European day-count method, which treats the last day of the month as the 30th.

This method is especially useful for standardizing financial calculations across different months and time periods.

Effect on Interest Amounts Using the 360-Day vs. 365-Day Year

The calculation of interest can vary significantly depending on whether a 360-day year or a 365-day year is used. In financial agreements like loans, bonds, or leases, the 360-day method is often used for standardizing calculations, as it assumes each month has 30 days.

However, this can result in slightly different interest amounts compared to using the actual 365-day (or 366-day in leap years) method. Below is an example demonstrating how the difference in day count methods can affect the interest calculation.

To calculate the interest (360-Day Year) use the following formula:


Let’s break it down:

  • B3: Represents the loan amount.
  • C3: Represents the annual interest rate.
  • D3: Represents the number of days for which the interest is being calculated.
  • Division by 360: Provides a standardized approach to calculating interest across periods.

To calculate the interest (365-Day Year) use the following formula:


All parameters are the same, but we divide by 365 for more precise interest calculations, accounting for the exact number of days in a year.

This extended example demonstrates how different loan amounts and periods impact the interest calculations based on the chosen method.

The 360-day year yields slightly higher interest due to the smaller denominator, while the 365-day year distributes the interest more evenly across more days.

Combining DAY and DAYS with Other Google Sheets Functions

Combining the DAY and DAYS functions with other Google Sheets functions unlocks more advanced and dynamic calculations.

These combinations allow you to perform tasks like conditional checks, automate data retrieval, count occurrences of specific days, and generate custom dates. This flexibility enhances your ability to manage and analyze date-related data efficiently.

Using DAY with IF Function

The DAY function in Google Sheets can be combined with the IF function to create powerful conditional formulas based on the day component of a date.

For example, you might want to apply specific logic only if a date falls on a particular day of the month. This technique is useful for automating tasks such as setting due dates, triggering alerts, or adjusting values based on the day.

Let's use the formula:

=IF(DAY(B3) = 1, "First Day", "Not First")

Here’s the breakdown:

  • IF: The function used to perform conditional logic based on whether a condition is true or false.
  • DAY(B3): Extracts the day value from the date in cell B3.
  • Condition (DAY(B3) = 1): Checks if the day extracted from B3 is equal to 1.
  • "First Day": This is the result returned if the condition is true, meaning the date in B3 falls on the 1st of the month.
  • "Not First": This is the result returned if the condition is false, meaning the date in B3 does not fall on the 1st of the month.

This setup illustrates how to use the DAY and IF functions together effectively with your provided dates.

💡The IF function in Google Sheets lets you apply logic to automate decisions and streamline workflows. Check out our guide to unlock its full potential and build smarter spreadsheets!

Combining DAYS and TODAY with VLOOKUP Function

The combination of the DAYS and TODAY functions with VLOOKUP allows for dynamic data retrieval based on the difference between dates. This setup is helpful when managing project deadlines, tracking events, or retrieving specific values from a table.

The DAYS function calculates the difference between a given date and today’s date, and the result is used within a VLOOKUP formula to fetch corresponding values from another column.

Let's use the formula:

=VLOOKUP(DAYS(C3,TODAY()), $B$13:$C$18, 2, TRUE)

Let’s break it down:

  • VLOOKUP: The function used to search for a value in the first column of a range and return a corresponding value from another column.
  • DAYS(C3, TODAY()): Calculates the number of days between today's date and the date in C3.
  • $B$13:$C$18: The lookup table range.
  • 2: Instructs VLOOKUP to return the value from the second column in the lookup table.
  • TRUE: Indicates that VLOOKUP will perform an approximate match.

This setup ensures real-time tracking of deadlines and tasks. As the TODAY() function updates automatically every day, the number of remaining days and the corresponding status will also update without manual input.

This is especially helpful for project management dashboards, ensuring timely task monitoring and status updates.

💡The VLOOKUP function in Google Sheets helps you quickly find data across large tables. Mastering it will enhance your data analysis and streamline workflows. Explore our guide to unlock its full potential!

Using DAY with COUNTIF to Find a Specific Day

In this example, the DAY function, combined with COUNTIF, allows you to identify how often a specific day of the month appears in a range of dates.

This is useful for identifying patterns such as recurring sales, events, or tasks on a given day. Below is a demonstration where we count how many times the 1st day of the month occurs.

Let's use the formula:


Here’s the breakdown:

  • COUNTIF: The function counts how many times a specific value appears within a given range.
  • B3:C10: This is the range where the formula searches for matches.
  • DAY(B3): Extracts the day component from the date in B3 (in this case, 04/01/2024), which returns 1.

This method is perfect for tracking patterns such as identifying peak sales dates, attendance on specific days, or recurring events. By extracting the day from each date and using COUNTIF, you can efficiently summarize how often a specific day occurs in a dataset.

💡The COUNTIF and COUNTIFS functions in Google Sheets help you count data based on specific criteria. Master them to analyze datasets more effectively. Explore our guide to enhance your data analysis!

Creating Specific Dates with the DATE and DAYS Function

The DATE function allows you to create a date by specifying the year, month, and day. This function is especially useful when combined with other date-related functions, such as DAYS, to calculate the number of days between two dates.

In this example, we’ll use the DAYS function to calculate the number of days between the Start Date (manually entered) and the New Date (constructed using the DATE function).

Let's use the formula:

=DAYS("4/1/2024", DATE(2023, 12, 31))

Let’s break it down:

  • DAYS("4/1/2024", DATE(2023, 12, 31)): This formula calculates the number of days between two dates.
  • "4/1/2024": This is the first date used in the calculation (April 1, 2024). It is entered as a string (text) in the MM/DD/YYYY format.
  • DATE(2023, 12, 31): The DATE function creates the second date (December 31, 2023) by specifying the year, month, and day as arguments.

This method is helpful when you're working with dynamic date ranges or need to calculate day differences for scheduling, deadlines, or forecasting tasks.

Resolving Common Errors with DAY, DAYS and DAYS360 Functions

Resolving common errors with the DAY, DAYS, and DAYS360 functions ensures accurate date calculations in Google Sheets. Errors may occur due to incorrect data types, missing arguments, or formula syntax issues.

Understanding these potential problems helps you troubleshoot effectively, ensuring your formulas run smoothly and provide reliable results.

#VALUE! Error

⚠️ Error: The #VALUE! error occurs in the DAY, DAYS, or DAYS360 functions when they encounter invalid date inputs or incompatible data types, such as text or improperly formatted data instead of valid dates. This error can also arise if cells referenced in the formula contain non-date data.

Solution: Ensure all referenced cells are formatted as valid dates, and avoid using text or non-date values in calculations. If working with text strings intended to represent dates, use the DATEVALUE() function to convert them into a proper date format recognized by Google Sheets.

#NUM! Error

⚠️ Error: The #NUM! error occurs in the DAY, DAYS, or DAYS360 functions when an invalid numeric value is provided. For example, the DAYS360 function may return this error if the day-count method argument is incorrect, or if the input dates fall outside the valid date range. It can also appear when attempting calculations with invalid or non-existent dates.

Solution: Verify that all input dates are valid and fall within the acceptable date range for Google Sheets. Ensure that the arguments, especially in DAYS360, are correctly configured. If using the day-count method, confirm that the argument aligns with the desired convention to avoid miscalculations.


⚠️ Error: The #ERROR! message occurs in the DAY function when there is a syntax issue within the formula, such as missing parentheses, incorrect arguments, or improper references. This error can also be triggered if the formula is incomplete or structured incorrectly.

Solution: Review the formula for any syntax errors, ensuring that all parentheses are properly placed, and the arguments are correctly formatted. Double-check that the references are valid and that no part of the formula is left incomplete. Properly structuring the DAY function will prevent this error from occurring.

Missing Parentheses in DAY Formula

⚠️ Error: The missing parentheses error occurs in the DAY function when the formula is not properly structured with the correct placement of parentheses. This can cause Google Sheets to misinterpret the formula, leading to incorrect calculations or an error message.

Solution: Ensure that the DAY function includes all necessary parentheses. The correct syntax is =DAY(date). Double-check the formula for any misplaced or missing parentheses, as even minor syntax mistakes can cause the function to fail. Proper structure will ensure accurate date extraction.

Invalid Method Argument in DAYS360 Function

⚠️ Error: The invalid method argument error occurs in the DAYS360 function when the day-count method argument is incorrect or improperly formatted. This can lead to calculation errors, as the function cannot determine the appropriate day-count convention to apply.

Solution: Verify that the method argument in the DAYS360 function is either TRUE (for the U.S. method) or FALSE (for the European method). Ensure that the argument is correctly set according to the desired convention. Correcting this argument will allow the function to perform accurate day-count calculations.

Best Practices for Utilizing DAY, DAYS and DAYS360 Functions Efficiently

To maximize the use of date-related functions like DAY, DAYS, and DAYS360, focus on maintaining consistent practices that enhance clarity, accuracy, and adaptability in your spreadsheets. Leveraging different techniques and approaches will ensure your calculations are both reliable and easy to understand.

Have Correct Date Formatting

To use the DAY, DAYS, and DAYS360 functions effectively, it is crucial to have correct date formatting. Ensure that the cells containing dates are formatted as valid date types recognized by Google Sheets; otherwise, these functions may not process the values correctly. Incorrect date formats can lead to errors or unexpected results.

Additionally, when using these functions, format the result cells appropriately – such as using a numeric value format without decimal places for DAYS and DAYS360. This helps in presenting the output clearly and makes your calculations easier to understand and use in further analysis.

Combining with Other Functions for DAY Function

To maximize the utility of the DAY function, combine it with other date functions like MONTH and YEAR. This approach allows you to perform more advanced calculations by extracting and utilizing specific components of a date.

For example, you can use the DAY function along with MONTH and YEAR to break down a full date into individual parts, enabling more detailed analysis and manipulation, such as creating custom date-based filters or categorizing data by day, month, or year.

Use Conditional Formatting for Better Visualization

Using conditional formatting with the DAY and DAYS functions can significantly enhance data visualization and analysis. By highlighting specific days or date ranges that meet certain criteria, you can easily identify important patterns, such as weekends, holidays, or overdue tasks.

This approach makes your spreadsheet more intuitive, helping you quickly grasp trends and outliers without needing to manually review each value. Conditional formatting can also be used to apply color codes based on days remaining or days passed, allowing for clearer prioritization and effective decision-making.

Use Cell References for Flexibility

For increased flexibility and easier maintenance when working with the DAYS and DAYS360 functions, it's best to use cell references instead of hard-coding dates directly in your formulas. This approach allows you to modify date values as needed, without adjusting the formula itself, making your calculations more adaptable.

Using cell references also helps ensure consistency across your spreadsheet, making it easier to update date-related data and apply changes across multiple calculations. This method is especially useful when working with large datasets or creating templates that require regular date adjustments.

Choosing the Correct Day-Count Method for DAYS360

When using the DAYS360 function, it's essential to choose the correct day-count method argument to match your specific calculation needs. This method determines how the days are counted, which can significantly affect the results, especially in financial or contractual contexts where precision is crucial.

The DAYS360 function offers two conventions – European and U.S. – and selecting the appropriate one ensures the accuracy of your calculations. Double-checking the day-count method helps prevent errors and ensures the days are calculated according to the intended convention, providing reliable results for effective decision-making.

Powerful Data Functions in Google Sheets for Enhanced Analysis

Discover advanced Google Sheets functions that make data analysis more efficient. These powerful tools allow you to handle large datasets, automate repetitive tasks, and uncover valuable insights with ease.

  • WORKDAY/NETWORKDAYS: Calculates workdays or weekdays between dates, ideal for project planning.
  • TIME Functions: These extract and manipulate time data, aiding precise time analysis and calculations
  • UNIQUE: Removes duplicates, providing a list of unique values to streamline analysis.
  • PIVOT: Creates pivot tables for quick data summarization and trend visualization.
  • IMPORTRANGE: Pulls in data from external sheets, consolidating multiple sources.
  • MATCH: Locates a value's position within a range, useful for dynamic lookups.
  • COUNTA: Counts non-empty cells, giving dataset size insights.
  • AVERAGE: Calculates the mean, showing central trends.

Visualize Your Data with OWOX: Reports, Charts, and Pivot Tables Extension

Visualize your date calculations effectively in Google Sheets using OWOX: Reports, Charts, and Pivot Tables Extension. When working with functions like DAY, DAYS, and DAYS360, this extension helps you turn raw date data into clear, visual insights.

Create dynamic charts to identify patterns in date-based trends, generate detailed reports to track specific metrics, and use pivot tables for interactive data exploration. By transforming complex date calculations into user-friendly visuals, OWOX enables you to make data-driven decisions faster.

Save time, streamline your workflow, and enhance your analysis with powerful, integrated data visualization tools.


What does the DAY function in Google Sheets do?
How do I calculate the number of days between two dates in Google Sheets?
What is the difference between DAYS360 and DAYS functions?
How can I highlight specific days using conditional formatting?
What is the correct way to use the DAY function with other formulas?
What errors should I watch out for when using the DAYS360 function?

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